7 Bad Hairstyles Bald Men Need To Avoid

Bad Haircut

Grooming is an essential part of our everyday lives.

Our head is our shop window so make sure it’s groomed. Whether you’re losing it and working with the best haircut you can, or you’re shaving like me, make sure this area of your body is the best it can be. I have already talked about the best ways to shave, trim and groom your hair, but this post is different; I want to make sure you don’t make any of the hairstyles or grooming faux pas that some men have made.

It goes without saying these styles, or excuses to keep hold of your thinning hair, are a complete NO – don’t do it, if you are, STOP and if you’re thinking, ‘maybe I should do something about my look’, please do yourself a favour and start now.

All of these are BANNED from this point on; no Gent I know sports one of these styles.

#1 – The Combover

Comb Over
Come on, there’s no need.

#2 – The Comb Forward

Comb Forward Hairstyle
Who are you trying to kid?

#3 – Clown Hair

George Costanza
Come on now, George Costanza.

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#4 – The Monk

Monk Hair
Unless you are actually a Monk, this hair cut should be avoided.

#5 – Long sides, bald top

Long Sides Bald Top
What are you trying to say here, you can still grow hair but only on some parts of your head?

#6 – Bald Ponytail

Bald man with ponytail
All round massive turn off and seriously bad look.

#7 – Make it spiky

Bald man with spiky hair
Whaaaaat, why not walk around with a big hand pointing to your balding head

All of these are classic examples of men who are too afraid to come to terms with the facts that they’re balding. Hiding away or sporting any of these laughable cuts only makes matters worse, not better.


Paul Inman

Paul Inman is the founder of The Bald Gent. As the main contributor to TBG, Paul has years of knowledge, experience and stories to share with our users. His insights, advice and blogs form the backbone to everything we do and what makes being a true gent so important to the ethos of TBG.

  1. Hi.
    My boyfriend is 60 y.o. and five years ago he wanted to grow a ponytail like he had in college. For awhile it looked great, even though his hair is receding. His hair is so thin that when it’s not in the ponytail, his hair is like string.

    He has a fabulous, thick, goatee. So many people have mentioned, in a sensitive manner, to cut it.
    If short he has a little tuft of hair up top. The back is fuller. He has receded next to the tuft terribly.

    He looked great in short hair when we started dating.

    He keeps saying,” I know I have to cut it someday. I’ll look so old, etc…” In my mind it would be sexier. I have told him that.
    I want it gone! It’s awful, messy looking. We are soon going away to a very upscale event, and it is awful with the unkempt pony. He has more than 4″ of split ends and has never had it cut in 4.5 years.


    1. Hi there K – thanks for reaching out. My first suggestion would be to get him to read the article you did, 7 Bad Hairstyles Bald Men Need To Avoid. If this doesn’t convince him to get rid of it then try suggestion he cuts it off to try and see what he looks like if he doesn’t like then tell him he can grow it back. Of course, you don’t want him to grow it so pay him as many compliments about his new look, how modern and young he looks, get family and friends to do the same – there is nothing better than an ego boost to make new looks become permanent – good luck.
      P.S. Maybe print the article out and get him to read it – you might not want him to see this comment if he reads it online

  2. I profoundly respect bald men who assume themselves. It’s not an easy thing to lose your hair, so when it comes to the options they have to be “correct”, they aren’t wide. So here’s a suggestion: let them have the look they’re willing to assume, get over those superficial matters and appreciate mankind a step beyond the appearance.

  3. Great advice! And, likewise would encourage men who are balding to embrace it, and own it! It’s been years since I started to go bald! I love I, and only regret wasting years of insecurity for nothing. What I am writing to you about, is not what bad hair style to have, as I’m pretty comfortable with a #1, if not closer. No, I am wondering if you guys know of any guy who is balding on the top (I started receding, and it’s almost half way now :D) but hair on the sides, who has shaved lines, or some kind of stylish wave in to a #1? If so, what is it called, or would it look ridiculous! I’m like style, and want like to know if it’s even a thing?

  4. I say embrace it. I see green , blue, pink, purple hair, nose rings, one inch holes in ear lobes, you can handle a bald man with long hair, imbrace his image, in 20 years kids will be shaving the top of there head and growing out the sides long. Females and males alike.

  5. Not every man who goes bald wants to shave their head. Shaved heads can look aggressive, militaristic, and harsh on certain men. I think many bald men look better and less aggressive when they keep the hair they have.

  6. 10/ 5 stars my friend loved these hairstyles cant wait to be a barber wow so fun 2 tickets out of 6 thumbs ups thank gg no ree

    sadfjgzjkdlvhbsdjl;ghnxczklvhxcozhvdsakoptghdsq9085rt73418905jhedkozddhgjiosaet gsdh fghowdf dnbsr viweyju
    #so random

  7. I have ugly hair like that guy in Seinfeld. I guess it’s called clown hair and my hair does look like Bozo the clown. I’m completely baldheaded on top and on the sides it’s thick and sticks out. There’s no way to get this to look good. And what’s even worse is that I’m single. Of course no woman will ever be interested in a guy with ugly ass hair like this. I bought a toupee awhile back and it does look better than it did. But if I do happen to finally meet a woman that I like who is willing to give me a chance I don’t know how I’ll explain that I’m wearing a toupee and when I do take it off she’ll probably run for the hills because the hair I do have is so ugly.

  8. @Robert Wayne, if you keep the full part of your hair cropped really short it won’t look like bozo the clown hair! It’ll look like you’ve groomed what you’ve been given. I imagine a toupee is to men, as a WonderBra is to women. 🙂
    Good luck! Don’t be so hard on yourself! Besides- Jason Alexander has done pretty well for himself!

  9. true. and shaving your head or shearing number 1 or 2 can also be a form of not coming to terms with your baldness… especially if you’re still doing it 25 years after you started going bald!

  10. Yeah so then what kind of style is there for young balding men to be able to enjoy the rest of what we have left? I’m 29 about to be 30 this year and just getting so depressed knowing how much value I put in my hair and going to miss all my fades gettin my hair cut was like R&R for me. but now it seems without spending a whole bunch of money on surgery, everyone is just telling me to just shave my head since the large crop circle on my crown and thinning hair line started getting worse. Seems from this post theres no other optuon than just to go bald.

  11. I just want to say to all the balding men here, rocking your bald head doesn’t need to be a source of shame. You can shave your head and look as cool and sexy as any one. There are women who love it. That being said if you hate it. Go get some hair installed. Women pay to have their hair installed and worked on every 8-12 weeks all the time, especially black women. If you want the hair you want you will have to pay for it and maintain it but it sure can be done! Sending hugs.

  12. Compared to the monkey tail beard the number six the bald ponytail tail is ten times better than the monkey tail beard

  13. I actually like # 3,5 and 6. I have hair on the top of my head but have still rocked these hairstyles and received many compliments (wear yourself with pride) and clean up a little. I’m v happy with my appearance but seriously whoever wrote this article is the ugly one here and whomever you are, you should be ashamed! I know men and women who would read this and be completely broken by this.

    Don’t let your hair decide who you are fellas! If you can show love, you can be loved. If someones gonna put you down for your appearance, they clearly messed up in the head and I know plenty of bald blokes who have fit as partners. Know your weaknesses but work on your strengths, we all have them, not only do they both make us who we are but also what we do with them.


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